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Counselor's Corner

Welcome! We ARE glad you are here!

We are here to advocate for all students. If you ever have any questions or concerns, or do not wish to have your child participate in school counseling services, please do not hesitate to contact us.

*Please note school counselors do not provide “therapy” or “traditional counseling”. Referrals for outside counseling services are available for children experiencing grief, divorce, family separation, deployment, or mental health concerns.

The Mustang Counseling staff will provide a comprehensive, developmental program that addresses the academic, social and emotional and career readiness needs of all students.  For more information visit the

MPS School Counseling Page

First page of the PDF file: child-abuse-hotline-card-english-2017
First page of the PDF file: pdf-svp-0125x_suicide_prevention_card_508

Contact US

Laurie Finkenbinder
Email ME

Kara Karr
Email ME

Family Resources for help & support:

Mustang/Yukon Food Pantries

Bill Pay Assistance

Oklahoma Family Counseling Services – 405-577-5477

Red Rock Behavioral Health Services – 405-354-1928, 405-262-3209

Reachout Hotline, ODMHSAS – 800-522-9054 – 24 hours a day

HeartLine – 800-273-TALK – 24 hours a day

Youth Crisis Mobile Response HotlineYouth Crisis Mobile Response Hotline 1-833-885-CARE, 24 hour crisis assistance

MPS Resource Links