Teacher of the Year
Previous TOTY Winners
2022-23- Brandy Wauters, Library Media Specialist
2021 - 22 - Annalisa Hodges, 4th Grade
2020-21 - Jennifer Penick, 5th Grade
2019-20 - Sheri Maples, 4th Grade
2018-19 - Ayrial Lawhon, 1st Grade
2017-18 - Kelly Bullard, 4th Grade
2016-17 - Amy Leochner, 1st Grade
2015-16 - Belinda Bennett, Kindergarten
2014-15 - Amber Terrell, 4th Grade
2013-14 - Vikki Dodson, 2nd Grade
2012-13 - Sonya Glover, 1st/2nd Grade
2011-12 - Kendra Cope, Spec. Ed
2010-11 - Melissa White, Counselor
2009-10 - Terri Dill, 4th Grade
2008-09 - Mary Jane McDonald, 5th Grade
2007-08 - Jenny Prather, 1st Grade
2006-07 - Paula McCullough, Reading Lab
2006-07 - District Teacher of the Year Paula McCullough
2005-06 - Kim Iraggi, 5th Grade
2004-05 - Liz Barber, 3rd Grade
2003-04 - Guy Walcher, 5th Grade
2002-03 - Linda Womack, Spec. Ed.
2001-02 - Jana Countryman, 4th Grade
2000-01 - Cheryl Burchett, 1st Grade
1999-00 - Laura Scalf, 3rd Grade
1998-99 - Rick Burroughs, PE
1997-98 - Ann Willett, 5th Grade
1996-97 - Paula McCullough, 3rd Grade
1995-96 - Kathy Neuenshwander, 3rd Grade
1994-95 - Ginger Jacob, 3rd Grade
1993-94 - Terre McDonald, Music
1992-93 - Judy Sternberger, 4th Grade
1991-92 - Pat Hildebrant, 4th Grade
1990-91 - Connie Graham, 2nd Grade
1989-90 - Linda Womack, Spec. Ed.
1988-89 - Paula McCullough, 2nd Grade
1986-87 - Earlyne Fishburn, 5th Grade
1985-86 - Pam McLaughlin, 5th Grade